Monday, July 6, 2009

Wedding: Shea.Justin

Shea & Justin were married in Madison and let me just tell you, I had a great time at their wedding! Shea and Justin are so awesome, and their families, wedding party and the guests were awesome as well. Really - you just can't ask for any more than that! many bridesmaids does it take to button up a dress? ;)

Totally love this shot of the guys. My favorite part? My two little guys! Love them!

As non-traditional as I profess to be, I do when couples choose birdseed. It's just so ultra-traditional, yet you don't see it very often.

After picking all that birdseed out of Shea's hair (well, what was showing anyway...I'm sure there was more!) we came back in the sanctuary for more pictures. Here's a couple of my favorites of Justin & Shea.

On to the reception! Check out these super cute napkins-

The couple enjoyed their first dance before dinner...

...and then after dinner, every one else joined in!

Before the night ended, Shea&Justin's friends and family surrounded them for a last dance. Absolutely wonderful.

Shea & Justin, you guys were so much fun and made my job so easy! A lifetime of love & laughter to you!

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