Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sophomores/BFF: Cori & Brianna

Sunday afternoon, Cori (my daughter) asked if we could go pick up her friend Brianna (who is like a second daughter to us) and then take a few fun pictures. Sounds like fun!

So off we went to Downtown Prattville - a great location for all sorts of fun shots! Here are a few of my favorites - enjoy!

This picture is probably the truest-to-life picture of the day. You wanna know what my girls look like most of the time? ya go...


Valerie said...

I adore Cori's haircut!!!

shelana said...

cori's hair is adorable!

Valerie said...

(This is Val; posting on my blog username.)

Love the one with the girls standing in the creek...and that first one: are they sitting on a ROOF?

This is what I mean about your pics: they're so out-of-the-box!

LVL Photography | Leda said...

Great shots! Their personalities were totally captured.

Although, I claiming that roof top!!!! It's mine! ALL MINE!